May 26, 2024


Guardian -Donald Trump, the former US president, has suffered the rare humiliation of getting booed and heckled during a raucous speech to the Libertarian National Convention. Trump’s rocky ride at a Washington hotel on Saturday night, including cries of “Bullshit!” and “Fuck you!”, underlined the challenge that the Republican presidential nominee faces to broaden his appeal both left and right on the political spectrum.“The fact is we should not be fighting each other,” Trump pleaded. “If Joe Biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country. Combine with us in a partnership – we’re asking that of the libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You have to combine with us.”The appeal went down like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults. It was a stunning rebuke for a man who has become accustomed to cult-like rallies where his every word is cheered to the echo.The Libertarian party, which prioritises small government and individual freedoms, typically gains 3% or less of the national vote but its members could yet prove crucial in swing states this November. Trump’s clumsy attempt to court them resulted in him scolding them instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


For even some followers of Ayn (Greed-Is-Good) Rand to ‘Shrug’ the yoke of TFG is notable.

Until now, I viewed all Libertarians as the same self-absorbed greedy a--hats as members of the GOP but independent of religious overlords enough to explain their mercenary legislative habits with some type of economic mumbo-jumbo spewed out by the likes of Milton Friedman.