May 21, 2024

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 I appreciate the consistently interesting and useful content you distill and share in Undernews, which is why I felt compelled to write when I saw the reference to the IDTEchEx report just now about chemical reycling of plastics.  In short, I don't think it's unfair to describe chemical recycling of plastics as a "false solution," an oversold claim to justify continued growth of an industry that needs to be phased out, much like carbon capture and storage (CCS) for fossil fuels (a topic for another day). Since I cannot claim to be a technical expert I'd recommend checking out this report about chemical recycling published by Beyond Plastics and the International POPS Elimination Network (IPEN) last.  - Charlie Cray, Senior Stratagist, Greenpeace


1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

I am with Charlie, I deal with the plastics industry. The next tome thery do something useful for my community aroudn plastic waste overrunning us, it will be the first. It is time to send that industry to the land of the dinosaurs, instead of them digging up dead dinosaurs and burning them to overheat the planet.