May 13, 2024


 David Doney  - Biden's economic record is much better than Trump's, but media won't explain it and Biden's marketing team hasn't cracked the code yet.

1: Job creation faster under Biden than Trump, no matter how you slice it.
2. Tied with LBJ with lowest presidential unemployment rate.
3. Highest inflation-adjusted (real) hourly wage of any president back to 1964.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What’s to ‘get’?

We ‘Mericans’ are fairly simplistic. We fear and we hate, much more than we love or use the prefrontal cortex of our brain’s Frontal Lobe..

Its difficult to make much broader statements than that, other than our propensity for ‘shiny’ things. By that I mean that we have grown accustomed to Special Effects in movies, TV, and even games on the computer. We love the ‘beautiful’, the ‘brash’, and ‘the BIG’. Anything bold, and that includes how a politician appears, meaning a great smile and nice haircut (but not necessarily hair to the extent of TFG), and how he/she talks meaning somebody with a loud / clear voice might do pretty good, and then people might look slightly below the surface, but not much.

TV News departments want Glam. News departments want Loud. They compete with other programming.

Republicans have ‘cracked-the-code’. Beginning with Reagan, they realized they only need to put a shiny object up in front of the ‘Merican public, and then get their Think Tanks to devise legislation that caters to industry but may look good because of a Populist Name and give people something for their trouble.

Biden has done a great job, but doesn’t inspire the Rambos or possibly even weekend warriors into a voting frenzy, much less their wives.

We need to hold our News agencies to a higher standard.