May 27, 2024

Just a reminder

Sam Smith - We live in a society that has increasingly turned away from teachers, ministers, philosophers and writers for moral values in favor of the views of lawyers and their systems. Thus we are awaiting a jury decision in the Trump case with the media assuming that anything  less than a legal conviction will be a triumph for Trump. In fact, however, a split jury - say ten or eleven to two or one - should be more properly interpreted as strong evidence that Trump violated a number of laws and should be reported as such by the media. Let's not let lawyers define our standards for decency.


Anonymous said...

The man has no shame. We should all be ashamed of his immoral criminality, and his demeaning brheavior toward our country.

Semper Paratus

Anonymous said...

I might suggest that the outcomes of these trials will be decided by a jury. Sure, the juries will be influenced by the capability of lawyers and machinations of judges, but possibly more so by the fear of TFG and how his bantering might influence his addled minions into physical violence against them. The rest of us huddled masses are more influenced by The Media that certainly likes sensationalism, but that might be the fault of our ‘consumer’ society and media’s rating structure. Maybe everything is simply ‘our fault’, not the legal system.

Hopefully the effects of these trials will be transient. The moral learned, with luck, will be that the U.S. doesn’t want a dictator / bully in our political system, the various members of alcohol / testosterone sodden groups will blend back into their ‘caves’ in northern Idaho to again be pointed at derisively, and life will return to normalcy again. The Writers, Teachers, Philosophers, and (responsible) Theologians will again be held as beacons in the darkness, to be admired and used as images to shape the future.

The media should maintain high standards and Not interpret / report things that have not been verified. Any court decision can be criticized, but not be incorrectly interpreted.