May 18, 2024


Newsweek -  New York City millennials are worried about the cost of living in the city and a substantial group is open to moving elsewhere to find a better quality of life, a poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek showed. Asked how concerned about their ability to afford the cost of living in the city, 76 percent of New Yorkers born between 1981 and 1996 told pollsters that they are either "very" or "fairly" concerned. Meanwhile, 40 percent of that group said they are "actively considering" moving out of the city, with 61 percent saying that "quality of life" would their reason from departing. But the group also seemed like it would look into relocating to places near the New York area, with 43 percent saying that they would consider moving elsewhere in the Northeast. Overall, 76 percent of New York City millennials said the cost of living was higher than the rest of the country.

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