May 24, 2024


Study Finds - Children’s literature in the U.S. is still dominated by White, male characters, according to a recent study from the University of Chicago. Researchers say ethnic minorities continue to be underrepresented in kids’ books. Moreover, the study finds that the child characters in these books are frequently depicted with lighter skin tones for no clear editorial reason at all.

NPR - It's not uncommon to see parents sharing photos of their children online, from birth announcements to first steps and the first day of school. But constantly sharing information about your kids online poses some dangers, according to Harvard Law School faculty member Leah Plunkett, who specializes in children, family law and technology. Plunkett explains how adults can put children's data and privacy at risk and what to do about it:  

- Birthday photos can reveal a kid's name, age and date of birth. This can put them at risk for identity theft, which they might not discover until they get older.

- Social media posts can also reveal where a child lives, their school and their likes and dislikes. Bad actors can figure out their schedules. Future employers or university recruiters can draw conclusions about them. And all this can undercut the child's ability to figure out who they are for themselves.  

-  Before sharing something online, ask yourself what information you're revealing and if you'd be ok if your parents shared something similar about you at that age.

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