May 24, 2024


NBC News - A Tesla vehicle in Full Self-Driving mode appeared to fail to detect a moving train and stop on its own, leading to a chaotic accident depicted in a video that’s been viewed millions of times on social media.The car’s owner and driver, Craig Doty II, told NBC News that he takes responsibility for the accident but said that he also believes that Tesla’s self-driving technology, or at least as it existed in his vehicle, is a defective product.

AXIOS - The average age of registered cars and light trucks in the U.S. now stands at a record 12.6 years, Axios' Joann Muller writes from S&P Global data. We're holding on to our cars in part because they're better built than they used to be — but also because it's just too expensive to buy a new one. The aging of the U.S. auto fleet is good news for car dealers, neighborhood mechanics and auto parts retailers who make their money on car repairs and service. Graphic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try this LINK for Tesla video: