May 1, 2024

A hidden truth about the presidential campaign

 Sam Smith - Nobody talks about the lack of Biden support among non-college educated white voters. But a recent Pew Research poll tells the story: only 34% of them support Biden while 63% support Trump. Meanwhile, 53% of college educated whites support Biden while only 44% support Trump. 

How fixed are these positions? According to a Marist survey, Biden has a 21% lead with college educated whites but in 2020 Trump had a 3% lead. Things can change. 

With a father who worked in FDR's administration and as a young guy getting politically involved in the1960s I long assumed that non-college educated whites were an important part of the Democrats' support but in more recent years realized it has no longer been a party priority. In fact,  our country has increasingly adopted the values of the better educated and things like labor unions have lost status.  After the 1960s liberalism became less commonly shared. 

Add into this the fact that there may be a potential hidden ethnic factor here as many' lower class whites view multi-ethnicity as having cost them jobs and/or status. Liberals tend to address this only as a moral issue and don't even talk about the economic factors.

To save the republic, it is critical that the needs of poorer and less educated whites - especially white males - get more attention. The alternative is to elect Donald Trump and ruin the lives of everyone.

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