April 9, 2024

Things Americans agree on

Data: AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (Margin of error: ±3.8 points.)
Chart: Alice Feng/Axios 

The Full Story


Walter Wouk said...

No mention of the right to be free from religion.

Anonymous said...

The author(s) of the AXIOS article do have a flair for stating the obvious. But, in spite of, or possible because of this obvious viewpoint, we lost an election to the dark side that put TFG in a position of authority to which he had no desire, knowledge, or ethical background to fulfill properly. His raison d'être appears to be “Greed”, and while that may have a universal appeal in the business community, his desire to ‘rule’ vs. ‘govern’ combined with religious zealots, armed and violent extremists, science deniers, and his like of foreign authoritarian leaders is not something that is to be minimized or scoffed at.

Since 1980, it seems the GOP has become better at winning elections, but had no particular gift as governance. Their economic system has been a simple ‘trickle-down’ model. Their legislative and judicial desires seemed to be merely guided by the Bible and a document written two hundred years ago that they condemned Democrats of ‘interpreting’, but they gave their own ‘spin’ but called their interpretation “Originalism”.

But, as long as GOP legislation favored corporate coffers and placated religious dictates, money kept them in business… so to speak.

And now, the GOP election schemes including their ironically described 'genius' leader (but with the seemingly required ‘great-head-of-hair’), gerrymandering, an army to intimidate voters when voting, voter roll purges, and millionaire (nay, billionaire) donors, we must not minimize the threat by thinking these people are some kind of simple minor political party with nobody agreeing with them.

Well, as we have seen. There are single-issue-voters that don’t have the time or interest to realize what the issues at stake actually are. Some, possibly with short-sighted or limited intellect, or simple emotional response do vote with vehemence for the politicians that fear and hate the same things they do.

If memory serves, when TFG was elected, the GOP had a relatively low voter turn-out. But it was because of voter’s dislike for Hillary, and a commonly held belief that she would win, that cause an even lower Dem voter turn-out.

So, we shouldn’t minimize the issues!