April 20, 2024

Canvassing and listening

Deanna Zandt, Low Down - When we hear the term “canvassing” with regard to politics, it often brings up ideas of well-meaning volunteers going door-to-door in communities outside of their own to help persuade those residents to vote one way or another. It turns out, this kind of canvassing is not that successful in moving the important needles of tight races, and can even create resentment in areas that are otherwise abandoned by national and regional political machinery. Enter “deep canvassing.” This is a style of door-to-door work where you, the volunteer, are not proselytizing, but rather, listening. And listening goes a long way towards building and rebuilding lost solidarity among the poor and working people of this country.But listening is hard! And time consuming! And what do you do when you hear something you really disagree with?! People’s Action has you covered.

Introduction to Deep Canvassing: The Proven Method to Change Hearts and Minds
Tuesday, May 28, 6 – 7pm EDT Virtual event - Join from anywhere. FREE

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