February 18, 2024


 Greg Gerritt - American Health Care is between a rock and a hard place and full of contradictions.  It delivers some of the most advanced lifesaving care on the planet, but life expectancy in the US is among the lowest of any industrialized country.  It is by far the most expensive care in the world, 50% more per capita than the next most expensive system, but hospitals are going broke and providers are quitting due to low pay and long hours.  States are also unable to provide for care for the lowest income people, either cutting public benefits or just abandoning the poor like Texas did recently when it cut 2.3 million people from Medicaid.   But venture capitalists and buyout firms have been making millions and billions buying hospital chains, looting them of assets, selling off buildings , loading them with debt, taking big payouts, and then closing them and throwing everyone out on the street, patients and workers alike.  Of course with the most expensive healthcare , it is really no surprise that medical bills are one of the biggest causes of bankruptcies in the US and that millions of people skimp on healthcare because they cannot afford to pay for it.   MORE

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