February 23, 2024


Washington Post -  Mount Everest is trying to tackle its poop problem.Climbers trashing the mountain has been an issue for years. As adventure tourism continues to boom, the poop puts local health — and the mountain’s beauty — at risk. People ascending the world’s tallest peak will be expected to collect their poop in doggy bags and carry it back to base camp, according to new local regulations.

Denver is rolling out a new pilot program that will pay some residents to switch from driving to bike riding. 

Map showing how much your east coast town is sinking thanks to climate change

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

Nepal should close the mountain to all except local residents. I like Denver's approach. Time to stop burning fossil fuels and start a serious planned retreat from all the coastlines in the world. California may not be sinking, it is just tumbling down to the sea.