February 29, 2024


 Independent - Against a tide of antidemocratic threats and a rise in autocratic movements around the globe, representative democracy still remains largely popular, but support has slipped over the last decade, according to the results of a wide-ranging survey from Pew Research Center. There remains widespread dissatisfaction with the ways democracy is functioning, and nearly three-quarters of respondents in a survey spanning 24 countries believe that their elected officials don’t care what their constituents think. Half or more respondents in 17 countries are dissatisfied with the way democracy works, a share that has declined since the survey was last performed in 2017. According to the report, 42 per cent of respondents believe that no political party represents their views... In the US, 32 per cent would support a form of governance led by a “strong leader” or the military, according to the poll.

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

If you asked you could find 32% would like a climate warrior to lead the government and you could find 32% who would prefer to pdeace activist to lead the government just like the 32% who want a fascist cause they want to protect white privilege