February 16, 2024

Alternative gender

Guardian - The US Census Bureau this year plans to test questions about sexual orientation and gender identity for its most comprehensive survey of American life. The test questions will be sent to 480,000 households, with the statistical agency expecting just over half to respond. If the questions are approved, it will be the first time sexual orientation and gender identity questions are asked on the American Community Survey, which already asks questions about commuting times, internet access, family life, income, education levels, disabilities and military service, among other topics.

CNN -  Greece legalized same-sex marriage on Thursday, marking a landmark victory for human rights in the country. The decision, supported by 176 out of 300 lawmakers in the Greek parliament and with 76 against, makes it the first majority Orthodox Christian country to establish marriage equality for all .

Washington Post - Republican legislators had proposed nine bills to restrict transgender rights. Two sought to limit the definition of sex. Another gave doctors the right to discriminate against trans people. And four aimed to keep them out of the bathrooms that match their identities.


Greg Gerritt said...

The brains of Republican legislators are all in the toilet. Lets send them to the treatment plant

Anonymous said...

The American Community Survey is an awful invasive nosy piece of crap to the people unlucky enough to get sent one. I got one about a decade ago and it was full of very private questions about my home and family that I would never give out, since I care about my privacy. I did not return it, and nobody has ever bothered me about that.