New research reveals that the Atlantic Ocean is now warmer and more acidic than ever before,
with a notably sharper rise in the last 4 years. The amount of oxygen
available to aquatic organisms is decreasing, while the acidity is
rising, affecting marine life
A 2014 study found that only 1.8% of the orchestra field in the United States is composed of black musicians, but the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles is looking to change that statistic. As America’s largest majority black orchestra, the group wants to narrow the racial gap by helping underrepresented young musicians take the stage.
Pentagon can't account for 63% of nearly $4 trillion in assets
1 comment:
The atlantic ocean says we are in big doo doo.
The Pentagon should get zero dollars until it passes an audit. That congress does not ask for a completed audit and accounting says congress is run by criminals.
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