December 4, 2023

Meanwhile. . .

College Dorms Are Terrible—and More Expensive Than Ever
US prison deaths soared by 77% during height of Covid-19 crisis
Why Don’t Americans Believe in Science? 
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Reps. Barbara Lee and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have introduced the Curtailing Executive Overcompensation Act. It’s designed to address the problem of out-of-control CEO pay by levying an excise tax on corporations whose CEO-to-median-worker pay disparities are 50 to 1 or greater.  The corporate tax rate would be a sliding scale — pegged to the degree to which the ratio of CEO pay (including salary, bonuses, and stock options) to worker pay is greater than 50 to 1. The tax would apply to big companies with gross income of $100 million per year or more and payrolls totaling $10 million or more.
Oil companies signed a pledge to cut a planet-warming gas. What it promises: To slash emissions of methane from their wells and drilling by more than 80% by 2030. It was announced Saturday at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. Methane accounts for more than half of current human-caused warming. Halving its emissions by 2030 could slow the rate of warming by more than 25%.


Greg Gerritt said...

The oil company pledge is phony but if they do it it will make them more money as they will not be wasting gas.

The article on science leaves out the biggest boogie man, climate change and that may be more important int he anti science orientation of the republicans.

Glad to see Sheldon Whitehouse working with Barbara Lee and AOC

Anonymous said...

Peter Hotez has been one of the worst and most dishonest actors in this pandemic. No one should listen to a word he says, it's all propaganda.

If these vaccines are "safe and effective" why are there 1.66 million VAERS reports of adverse events, that sounds like a giant safety signal is being ignored and suppressed.

Greg Gerritt said...

1.66 million out of several billion is a very small percentage, no vaccine has no side effects