November 20, 2023

Meanwhile. . .

 Do electric cars pose a greater fire risk?

These are the six states where dogs are legally part of your family

Where millennials are moving

Reactions to the death of Rosalynn Carter

 Demand for Seafood Is Soaring, but Oceans Are Giving up All They Can 

Dogs Across the U.S. Are Falling Sick From a Mystery Illness

What’s the most boring day in history — a day where truly nothing important happened? That was the question posed in 2010 to a computer program named True Knowledge. Designed by computer scientist William Tunstall-Pedoe, the program contained 300 million facts, many of them tied to dates. After scouring those facts and comparing them to their respective dates, True Knowledge decided that April 11, 1954, was the most boring day in the 20th century. Belgium held a general election, some sports events happened, a coup in India was possibly planned but not carried out until two days later, and no notable births or deaths occurred — at least as far as the computer program could figure out.

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