November 22, 2023

Learning about conflict resolution at school

Chalkbeat - As many schools continue to assess their disciplinary policies post-pandemic, a program in Philadelphia offers some insight into what it can look like to explicitly teach kids conflict resolution skills. There, students with disciplinary infractions can take a six-week course run by Temple University. Over that time, the program teaches students de-escalation strategies, primarily through intensive discussion and role-playing.

The program helped 15-year-old Luis Rios learn how to control his emotions, and that sometimes it’s better to be silent than to have a verbal outburst. And it taught 14-year-old Nylaah Booker how to “think about other people’s feelings, not just your own,” she said. The year-old program will be in seven Philadelphia schools by the spring, and has graduated 225 students so far, including Rios and Booker. Both now plan to work as paid mentors helping other students.

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