November 24, 2023

If Democrats Ran Red States Fewer People Would Die

Thom Hartmann -  A total of 61 countries have average lifespans of 78 years or older, ranging from Singapore’s 84 to Estonia’s 78. And then there’s the United States. Our average lifespan comes in at a paltry 77 years, along with Iran, Tunisia, and Morocco.

And it’s entirely because of Republican policies. That’s the main conclusion of a new study published in PLOS One, one of the world’s leading publications of peer-reviewed science across a wide variety of fields. The report, rigorously scientific, was funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), a division of the United States’ National Institutes of Health.

They concluded that if, in 2019, “liberals” (Democrats) had run all the Red states, then 171,030 fewer Americans would have died that year. On the other hand, if “conservatives” (Republicans) had succeeded in imposing their healthcare, tax, labor, and gun policies on the Blue states, there would have been an additional 217,635 dead Americans. This follows the Brookings Institution study published two years ago that concluded Republican anti-mask and pro-snake-oil (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.) policies unnecessarily killed 400,000 Americans during the first year of the pandemic.


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Thom Hartmann, this is one of your worst takes.

Now that the main of the pandemic has calmed down, better science has started to come out, and that new science is finding, as did a Cochrane review early in the pandemic found, Ivermectin works for Covid-19 treatment. Recent science finds that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are both effective against Covid-19, and if we had used those long safely used drugs to treat Covid-19 the illness would have had minimal, with deaths only in the most infirm. If Ivermectin had been allowed there would have been no reason for the EUA that allowed the mRNA shots. Pfizer and Moderna would not have wasted all that government money and people's lives with their damaging products.

The mRNA vaccines are responsible for 1.66 Million VAERS reports, that would have been avoided. If we had used drugs with documented long term safety profiles more deaths would have been avoided. Instead the government coerced people to take a novel poorly tested new platform, which has long had safety problems. These vaccines have shown DNA contamination, metal fragment contamination, and cause serious adverse events like myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots, and deaths to name just a few issues with the mRNA shots. These shots never should have been released on the public. Every government official who pushed these shots should be criminally liable for endangering every person who fell for their nonsense.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand...

Recent articles: There are No recent articles expounding benefits of Hydroxychloroquine and/or Ivermectin as an effective treatment of SARS CoV-2 infections.

Here is an article providing Recent information:

Features, Evaluation, and Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
18 August 2023

Scroll down to the section:
Medications/Treatments That Should NOT Be Used for the Treatment of COVID-19 According to the Latest NIH Guidelines

And... here is some very good reading. For Fun and Education!

How far-right MAGA 'conspiracy theorists' are still pushing unscientific 'covidiocy': libertarian
31 January 2021

Covidiocy Marches On
31 January 2023