August 10, 2023

More charges against Clarence Thomas

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is hit with a devastating new bombshell as reporters reveal that he may have committed “criminal” acts as a new report shows his corruption “is more extensive than previously known.” .... According to the new ProPublica report, Thomas had also enjoyed “numerous flights on private planes, skybox tickets to sporting events, stays at luxury resorts, and a standing invitation to play at a high-end private golf club in Florida... These costly trips and travel perks often went unreported on the justice’s financial disclosure forms, ProPublica found in its investigation.


Greg Gerritt said...

We have always known Thomas is a crook

Anonymous said...

There is no justice in this unjudicious and unethical abuse of power the extent of which is beyond belief. It is time for Supreme Court Justices to be bound by rules and ethical standards!

Semper Paratus