June 20, 2023

When corruption is legal

Sam Smith - One of the characteristics of a corrupt society is the failure of its citizens to even notice when things are corrupt. A classic recent case is finding a federal judge appointed by Trump handling a criminal case against him.  The closest to an argument against this that has been circulated is that the judge should recuse herself, a voluntary act of decency. 

I would argue, albeit there is nothing now in the law to support it, that a judge who has earned over a half million dollars thanks to her appointment by a later criminally charged politician should not be legally allowed to oversee his case and that to ignore this should be a crime. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten there yet.


Anonymous said...

As we have seen recently there have been many judicial acts of indecency and glaring examples when judges ruled in ways to reward themselves without regard to ethics. This ROT hastens the decline in of a system based upon respect for the law.

Semper Paratus

Anonymous said...


Corrupt Society? Isn’t that a little ‘over-reach’? Of course we have our problems, but I think most people are so busy working, and doing the many other things need to support themselves and their families that they barely have time to stay informed, other than what they see on the six-o’clock News and on the car radio on their trip to work and back. Many of us do actually notice corruption, but we are but cogs… pawns.

There seems to be a steady stream of shenanigans by corrupt individuals in this country. And things that many people do not like, and have abhorred.

But in fact, many ordinary citizens profess to be good and honest christians, who love their country and what is stands for, or should stand for. Of course, that statement disregards all the fine, honest, people of other faiths (or no faith) who love this country and what it stands for.

As an alternative, I might suggest that our ‘society’ is being dragged along by powers-that-be against their will. People cling to a theory that being a good person, or a good ‘christian’ (or other religion), indicates beliefs and behaviors that are ‘good’, honest, and benevolent.

But lately, there have been people appointed to various governmental positions who seem hell-bent upon destroying those same agencies, or merely inadequate to meet the demands of any particular job. Other individuals have purposely lied about election results, for what purpose? Others promote hatred against members of other groups weather they be race, political, religious, or gender related.

Corrupt Society? No, not entirely. More a segment of wealthy individuals allowed to funnel money toward corrupt individuals who promote a less responsible government.

A “Fifth-Column”? Weather a knowing and willing member or not.