April 10, 2023

Melania status

 Vanity Fair -  Melania remains "angry" at her husband over the alleged affair he had with porn star Stormy Daniels...  And while it doesn't seem unreasonable for Melania to still be upset about her husband allegedly cheating on her-just months after she gave birth, according to Daniels - her negative feelings for him apparently run so deep that she doesn't seem to give a f--k if he is criminally charged. The former first lady, a source familiar with the matter told People, "wants to ignore" the whole thing and "hopes it will pass," but "doesn't sympathize with Donald's plight."

Not only that, but, according to the same source, the former FLOTUS really wouldn't be put out in the slightest if her spouse did time behind bars. "Melania loves the beautiful weather and resort town atmosphere of Palm Beach," this person told reporter Linda Marx. "She is happy when she is in Palm Beach. She has her son and other close family members. They are tribe-like and usually stick together. Despite what happens to Donald, she will be fine. She is well taken care of."

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

Glad Melania has come to her illegal immigrant senses (She was working before she had a Green Card). Can she support Donald's deportation to Russia?