April 11, 2023

Meanwhile. . .

As the status of abortion pills in the U.S. remains influx, a majority of Americans say they believe such medication should be legal, a Pew Research Center survey found. 53% of adults believe medical abortionthe use of a prescription pill or a series of pills to end a pregnancy — should be allowed in their states. 

FBI begs Americans to stop plugging their gadgets into USB ports of unknown provenance 

Utah’s Great Salt Lake is bouncing back after record lows. Why? A snow-packed winter. As of last week, the lake had risen three feet in a little more than five months and will probably continue to rise as snow melts. Three months ago, scientists said the lake was on track to disappear in five years. One extra-snowy winter won’t be enough to save it, but it’s a hopeful start.

The median age of the 118th Congress is 59 years old. The median senator is 65 years old, a record high; the median representative is about 58, for the fourth Congress in a row.1 Congress has notably aged since 2001: From 1919 to 1999, the median senator never eclipsed 60 years old and the median representative never surpassed 55.2

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

It appears that only old rich folks can afford to run for congress