April 12, 2023

Greenest and least green states

Wallet Hub - In order to showcase the states doing right by Mother Earth, WalletHub compared the 50 states in terms of 25 key metrics that speak to the current health of the environment and residents’ environmental-friendliness. The data set ranges from green buildings per capita to the share of energy consumption from renewable resources.  

Greenest States Least Green States
1. Vermont 41. Indiana
2. New York 42. North Dakota
3. California 43. Oklahoma
4. Hawaii 44. Alaska
5. Maryland 45. Kentucky
6. Connecticut 46. Wyoming
7. Massachusetts 47. Alabama
8. Minnesota 48. Mississippi
9. Washington 49. Louisiana
10. Maine 50. West Virginia
Key Stats
  • Blue States are greener, with an average rank of 14.92, compared with Red States, which have an average rank of 36.08. (Rank 1=Greenest)     
  • New York has the highest share of people who do not drive to work, 47.00 percent, which is 3.3 times higher than in Mississippi, the state with the lowest at 14.40 percent. 

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