April 29, 2023

A Guide for the Eco-Friendly Beer Drinker

Ecowatch -  A study conducted by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality found that the beer drunk in the state each year was equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of 42,817 passenger vehicles. To combat this high energy usage and related emissions, beer giant Budweiser announced in 2018 that all US brewing would run on renewable energy. New Belgium – a leader in sustainability in the brewery scene – already powers using solar and wind, captures and reuses heat produced during brewing, and plans to be completely carbon neutral by 2030. Their famous Fat Tire ale is also America’s first certified carbon neutral beer (and it’s very affordable). Some breweries are also utilizing innovative CO2 reclamation technology – like the Alaskan Brewing Company – which captures and reuses the carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process.

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