March 23, 2023

Why do the US and Canada treat medical aid in dying so differently?

 Grid -   While Americans and Canadians share many cultural values, there is one major life issue that does not seem to cross the border: the accessibility of medical aid in dying. A 2016 law in Canada legalized medical assistance in dying; polls show a majority of Canadians support having that option. The federal legislation in Canada has expanded to include medically assisted death for terminally ill patients. Canada is one of three countries that gives patients with chronic painful conditions that are not life-threatening the option for medically assisted dying. By March of 2024, Canada’s MAID laws — originally designed for people with terminal illness — will allow people with some mental disorders and disabilities to be eligible for medically assisted dying as well.

The story in the U.S. is quite different. There is no national law, and only 10 states allow medically assisted death. The movement to legalize medically assisted death does have a solid support base, according to polling. And in 1997, Oregon was the first state to make it legal for terminally ill patients.

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