March 10, 2023

Is Medicare actually going bankrupt?

Vox - The implication of Biden’s rhetoric is that Medicare faces impending extinction: Without his plan, which is primarily a set of new tax increases, the program may not be there for that next generation. The reality is a little more complicated. It is true that, as of right now, Medicare is projected to be unable to pay all of its bills as early as 2028. Without congressional action, a stronger economy, or more likely, both, the government could end up without enough money to cover everything it promises enrollees within five years. That would be unprecedented and would likely provoke a political crisis. But it is not quite the same thing as Medicare going bankrupt and ceasing to exist entirely. Alarm bells have sounded about Medicare’s trust fund for decades, with the exact date of when it would run out of money moving forward and back. But, eventually, Congress will need to act.

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