March 28, 2023

How the media undermines good policies and practices

Sam Smith -In the wake of the Nashville shooting I watched, as I regularly do, Lester Holt anchoring NBC News Tonight. I also analyzed the thirty minute program by measuring the length of items featuring good news or solutions to problems. There was, at the end of the show, one such piece taking roughly six percent of the total program. In fact, the most positive news was found in the ads. 

I plead guilty to often being a part of this negative media tradition but do try to find good or constructive news as best I can. I have become increasingly convinced that one of the reasons we are in such as mess is that we no longer give adequate value to positive approaches to problems and admirable role models. There's no easy answer to this, but a good start would be for the media to realize their role in building a negative culture and try to find more ways to offer positive alternatives.

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