February 20, 2023

Water levels in the nation’s second-largest reservoir are at a record low.

Washington Post - Lake Powell, on the Arizona-Utah border, saw its water levels fall this month to the lowest since it was filled in the 1960s.It generates power for about 4.5 million people. It’s also part of the Colorado River Basin system, which provides water to over 40 million people. Cuts in states’ usage will be needed or the reservoir could become unable to supply hydropower or water, experts said.


Greg Gerritt said...

The west is in big trouble due to climate change, but even before this became much of an issue the Colorado river was being tapped for more water than rain and snow can provide.

Anonymous said...

Gee, this is prime solar power country, time to stop depending on the Colorado river for power.

Anonymous said...

Restore the beaver to the Colorado river watershed! They are the best water managers around. The entire US had beavers managing water before the fur trade, which is where our water problems started. We need to return to that management system, if we hope to stop drought in the US west.