February 22, 2023

Problems we haven't started to worry about

 BBC -   Two top Spanish transport officials have resigned over a botched order for new commuter trains that cost nearly  ($275m). The trains could not fit into non-standard tunnels in the northern regions of Asturias and Cantabria. The head of Spain's rail operator Renfe, Isaías Táboas, and the Secretary of State for Transport, Isabel Pardo de Vera, have now left their roles. . . . The Spanish government says the mistake was spotted early enough to avoid financial loss. However the region of Cantabria has demanded compensation.  The rail network in northern Spain was built in the 19th Century and has tunnels under the mountainous landscape that do not match standard modern tunnel dimensions.

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

Measure twice cut once. How could they get the dimensions wrong on the tunnel? They have not changed in 100 years. Did anyone even look at the blueprint before designing the train? Were there other trains using those tracks of a smaller size? Almost beyond belief.