February 26, 2023

Florida county Republians propose ban on Covd-19 vaccines

Forbes - If the Lee County Republican Party has their way, the state of Florida will be banning the use of Covid-19 vaccines. Yes, you heard that correctly. Based on a majority vote, the Party has passed a so-called “Ban the jab” resolution that will now go to the desk of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for his consideration. And why does the Party want such a ban? Well, an article for WINK News by Michael Hudak and Taylor Wirtz quoted Joe Sansone, the guy who drafted the resolution, as saying, “The Lee County Republican Party is going to be on the vanguard of this campaign to stop the genocide because we have foreign non-governmental entities that are unleashing biological weapons on the American people.”


Anonymous said...

When does … change that… How does a fairly respectable political party become one led by ignorant bullies, Q mongers, religious zealots (not the educated, respectable kind), gun toting loudmouths, and now apparently know-it-all scientific experts with hired idiots who somehow got medical degrees.

As a child, in the early 50’s, there was an unexpressed fear. Even I felt it. The fear of the ‘unknown’ possibly, as us hoi polloi lacked modern communications available today. There was fear about commies (Reds) coming to sabotage stuff, fear of possible bombings (we had drills where we ran into the school’s central hallway to avoid flying glass from windows being blown out), there was fear, I believe, about expressing any feelings questioning what was expressed in the news, and there was talk about actual people in the government that were secretly working against our common good – the fifth column.

Back then, good guys wore white hats, and bad guys wore black hats in the movies. Always! And, even with the advent of color pictures, never red.

Yup, the Fifth Column.

Anonymous said...

The VAERS system which tracks adverse event reports for vaccines, has had 1.5 million adverse event reports since the vaccine roll out. VAERS only gets reports for about 10% of actual adverse events. A giant safety signal with big red flags has been waving at us for over 2 years, but our public health officials keep claiming these shots are safe and effective, at the same time these vaccines destroy more and more lives.