December 13, 2022

Ultra-Thin Solar Cells From MIT Can ‘Turn Any Surface Into a Power Source’

EcoWatch - Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed an ultra-thin and scalable solar cell that can attach to any surface. Despite weighing one-hundredth of a conventional solar cell, the newly developed, lightweight solar cells provide around 18 times more power per kilogram. Thinner than a human hair, the solar cells can attach to just about anything. The researchers at MIT glued the solar cells to fabric, which opens the possibility of power-generating wearable fabrics. The solar cells could also be scaled up and rapidly deployed for emergency use.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“Despite weighing one-hundredth of a conventional solar cell, the newly developed, lightweight solar cells provide around 18 times more power per kilogram.”

OK, does that mean that an array of this new “Ultra-Thin” stuff will need to cover a surface area approximately 80 times as large as the ‘Conventional’ Solar Cell?

I never did very well with those math problems like “You have four pennies, and you take one away” stuff.