June 25, 2022

New study finds that 2 in 5 people against abortions would still give a loved one a lift to the clinic if in need

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something that should be more widely known, something abortion clinic workers know well, when there are big protests outside abortion clinics, there is a daughter of one of the protesters seeking abortion services inside. This happens while their church group is protesting abortions outside to increase the shame and humiliation of the daughter, who hasn't had enough functional sex ed to to understand how to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. The anti abortionists will be quite happy to drive to another state and bring their anti abortion roadshow to a pro choice state, if it means an opportunity to humiliate and shame their own children to control them in the most damaging ways possible. Be sure to add child abuse to the anti abortionist objectives.

Oregon Planned Parenthood is setting up an new clinic in Ontario Oregon just over the Idaho border. Abortions are expected to skyrocket in the state this year, as women and girls flee anti abortion states to get safe services.