May 19, 2022

Other causes of those against abortion

May be an image of text that says 'Alt Fed-up Employee @Alt_FedEmployee The same people who oppose oo abortion: Allow 3,000 child deaths yearly by firearms Let 9M kids lose healthcare Are separating kids and parents by deportation Refuse help to refugee families seeking safety Want to end WIC & free school lunch programs #7in10forRoe #Roe45'
Alt-Fed Employees


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After looking up information why ‘the vatican’ suddenly condemned in-vitro fertilization a few years ago, I came across something called ‘a priori’ in the church’s online magisterium (sp?). Of course, the manner in which the article was written, I made the assumption (no pun intended) that their argument was prioritizing things because of their importance.

Now, years later, I looked up ‘a priori’ in Wiktionary and found one possible definition as “Self-evident, intuitively obvious”, but others like “Based on hypothesis and theory” and “Presumed without analysis”.

OK, what I’m leading up to is this.

I’m thinking that these ‘religious’ zealots and political opportunists look at “abortion” as top-priority. Sort of like how I envisioned the vatican’s myopic view toward in-vitro fertilization, where the very chance of an implanted fertilized egg dying was bad (‘a priori’), made the process intolerable. This vision of something as ‘paramount importance’ blinds them to any notion that they may be hypocritical, ignorant, or even slightly ironic.