January 26, 2022

City to Become First to Make Gun Owners Get Insurance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea. I like it.

However, while I agree with an annual fee for all gun owners, I don't like the money going to a 'non-profit'. I might be argued by others that Republicans follow money like stink follows a skunk, and it would be better if there was continued transparency for money collected.

Also, I heard an argument that Homeowners insurance might cover any troubles with guns, but I wouldn't think that it would when the gun owner carried his/her gun away from home. In that case, Liability Ins for people with the right to carry a gun might be a good thing, if-and-when insurance companies begin offering it.

Lots of liability might be really helpful for individuals NOT shooting antifa members, BLM protestors, Civil Rights protestors, etc. and may not be given $M for defense and/or pro bono lawyers, or not lucky enough to be in Kenosha, WI.