September 14, 2021

Another Anti-Vax Radio Host Dies of Covid-19


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My condolences to this man's family.

If one plans to not get a vaccine, one should take other measures to improve health, like keeping your vitamin D levels up and taking zinc, both help resist viruses. Get regular exercise, and get well nourished, and your risks go down, it's not perfect, but it gives a better chance than doing nothing. The FLCCC has some suggestions about ways to help boost your body's preparedness for Covid. UK has announced that there is no "herd immunity" and everyone will be exposed to Covid. With that info, not at least taking measures to improve your health is only making your risks worse.

Not this article, but so much of the news media seems to report with glee on these stories about people who didn't get a vaccine and died. I don't care if it's a right winger, someone has died and all the media seems to do is ridicule and insult them. That is despicable.