May 23, 2021

Making A Grotesque America: What MAGA is really about

 Sam Smith - The failure of the Republican Party to support a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 unprecedented and disloyal attack on the Capitol is one more sign that we are in a time as internally dangerous to our republic as anything that has happened since the Civil War. 

The huge attempted assault on the last election results,  the new segregationist restrictions on voting being passed around the country, the failure of police  in numerous cities to treat minorities fairly, and even reports of political bias on the part of Secret Service agents are all indications of matters that are not just signs of bad politics, or even corruption but of a republic in danger of a coup. 

Essential to the collapse of a functioning republic is a time when those with power use it not for its assigned purpose but turn their backs on the law, Constitution, and human decency and bow instead only to those whose rule they favor. 

This is not just another political debate, but a dangerously close possibility that the most fundamental principles of our land will be undermined by a lawless mafia of those willing  to obey those they hope will share their power with them. 

It is well past time to face up to the reality that key aspects of  our laws and constitution are in - or threatened with - suspension and the media and the rest of us should stop treating it as just more politics

1 comment:

FHS said...

It is certainly very very distressing to me. I do not think folks are paying close attention at least in my town, ie Chapel Hill, NC. There are many faculty at UNC of course who might be, but with the pandemic it has been very quiet in town--and the rats who run the University are busy reestablishing a new confederacy here.

There is one commentator on MSNBC who IS paying attention to this in a calm manner, but following all of this with facts and tying the pieces together, Ari Melber's show "The Beat" I don't watch all of it, all of the time, but there are a few in mainstream media following.

I just hope communities will wake up, in 2010 NC Democrats did NOT and we wound up with a nightmare of a supermajority in state government, and with the UNC BOG and BOT (Bd. of Trustees) it could get far worse again and it's not great, now.