January 19, 2021

Word: So help me God

The Progressive  - George Washington did not say “so help me God” when he took the oath. Nor did any other of the first twenty-six Presidents. And neither should Joe Biden during his Inauguration tomorrow.


Proncias MacAnEan said...

Hear hear.

Douglas Andrew Willinger said...

Why not?

Especially if voluntary.

Strelnikov said...

Well Mr. Willinger, the deal with the "so help me God" phrase is it combines Church and State when we have no state religion. Stamping "In God We Trust" on the money from the late 1950s on did not make America a more moral country. It's a crutch and we need to drop it.

Anonymous said...

It's superstitious, and the last thing we need in a public-office holder is superstition.