November 22, 2020


 Robert Reich

—13 million Americans are unemployed
—12 million have lost their health care
—30 million are at risk of eviction
—8 million have fallen into poverty
—12 million total Covid-19 infections

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has sent the Senate home for Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

And, amid this unbelievable level of human suffering and economic devastation the total lack of Republican empathy and concern is incomprehensible. Imagine the outrage if our military lost 257,000 troops in action over a period of nine months. What are these people thinking their legacy will be?

Semper Paratus

amaranth farm said...

Legacy? They build legacy with how many dollars they die with, not how many people died on the way to those dollars. Right now, the well off are even more so because of the virus. They actually have a vested interest in continuing the infection, not alleviating it.