February 25, 2020

What if our national candidates talked like this?

In Maine this March, there will be a referendum on whether to reinstate a law allowing for religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements. In your editor's town, a candidate for state legislature has taken a firm position against this but has also said the following:

Melanie Sachs - I am firmly on the "No on #1" side. I've included a link which summarizes many of the reasons why I support the current law.

But we live in a small community, so you may have noticed that some of my closest friends, even members of my fabulous campaign team, are voting Yes On #1, while others are strongly supporting No on #1. It is an issue many folks are struggling with before the March 3rd vote.

While we align on many, many issues, on this proposal we firmly, but respectfully, disagree. Because reasonable people can have meaningful dialogue about issues, and reach different conclusions. As I said when serving on the Council, you and I may not always agree on the outcome, but you will always know how I voted, and why I voted a certain way. And that is important, because most likely we will agree and work together on the next issue.

Because we are a community.

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