February 8, 2020

The problem with Buttigieg's health plan

Vice - Buttigieg claims his plan will guarantee that every person in America has insurance while still preserving people's "choice" of a private plan or the public option. How does PeteCare pull this off? By automatically enrolling anyone without insurance in the government plan and then back-billing them, potentially via tax filings, for a year's worth of coverage, which could be thousands of dollars.

The Washington Post noted this "retroactive enrollment" provision in a story published on Christmas Eve (it's mentioned on page 4 of the campaign's white paper). The Post compared it to the penalty for not having insurance under the Affordable Care Act, which was $695 or 2.5 percent of income, whichever was higher, paid when people file their taxes. Under Buttigieg's plan, people who are retroactively enrolled would owe up to 8.5 percent of their income, because that's the upper limit for monthly premiums under Pete's plan.

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