August 17, 2019

Trump dump

Politicus USA- Republicans on the Federal Election Commission wouldn’t allow the Commission to make a single phone call to the FBI about a potential investigation into NRA Russian money laundering for Trump. Republicans blocked the FEC from calling the FBI about NRA Russian money laundering for Trump

[FEC Chair Ellen Weintraub] said,  “The complaint was based on that article which said the FBI was investigating. So I said to my colleagues, well, let’s at least call the FBI and ask them. And then we’ll know whether the article was well-founded or not. We’ll have that basic question answered, are they investigating or aren’t they. If they are they might have interesting information for us. In any event, we would know whether the article was based on real information or not. And this really was dumbfounding to me. I could not get agreement from my colleagues for our staff to make a single phone call over to the FBI, a sister agency, a law enforcement agency. Wouldn’t have bothered a citizen. Or in any way impaired first amendment rights. All we needed to do was call another government employee and say are you or are you not investigating this issue. Couldn’t get the votes. Couldn’t do it.”

Donald Trump's administration has told the Supreme Court that transgender workers are not protected by federal civil rights law and can be fired because of their gender.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “The choice for thousands of union workers at Royal Dutch Shell’s petrochemical plant in Beaver County was clear Tuesday: Either stand in a giant hall waiting for President Donald Trump to speak or take the day off with no pay.” ... “That company and scores of other contractors on site and their labor employees all have their own contracts with Shell. Several said the contracts stipulate that to get paid, workers must be onsite. Those who decided not to come to the site for the event would have an excused but non-paid absence, the company said, and would not qualify for overtime pay on Friday.”

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