August 21, 2019

Presidential race update

Is Biden an old guy or a "superager?"

Most recent poll to right

Biden  9, 2, 13, 8, 7%
Sanders 7, 2, 5, 8, 5%
Warren  5, 0, 4, 2, 0%

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While there are a lot of "old Guys" in the 2020 race, not all "old guys" are the same.

I frequently wonder how tRump hasn't had some major health issue blow up on him yet, he looks like a walking heart attack. As tRump's cognitive decline increases in pace, we may find by next summer tRump isn't able to complete his run for office. He rarely makes sense when he isn't reading off a teleprompter, his ad libs are usually terrible things, and his general word salad is increasingly unhinged.

Biden is showing similar problems, like when he talked about talking to the Parkland students, which is more then a gaff, it's a worrying sign of Biden's own cognitive decline.

Sanders on the other hand, reminds me of old people who live past 100, and are sharp as a whip for the entire time. Sanders is noted for running reporters that are half his age ragged, and when Bernie misspeaks he catches and corrects himself immediately, which shows he mind is in really good shape.