July 24, 2019

What Washington isn't talking about

Sam Smith - The one thing that Robert Mueller, Donald Trump, the Justice Department, Congress, the media and elite Washington implicitly agree upon (although some may not realize it) is that the President can commit any crime - including murder, rape and pedophilia - and be subject to no punishment other than removal of office - and that only if the Senate is controlled by  the party in opposition to the White  House. Mueller says the president can be charged with obstruction of justice after he leaves office but by then the damage is done. This is a pretty  good description of a dictatorship.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how republicans will handle it if tRump becomes documented as having raped girls at Epstein's parties, and then Democrats start impeachment proceedings. Would the republicans really try to defend him if he showed up in Epstein's pedo photo collection in a compromising position. I would love to see republicans trying to defend that.

At least one of Epstein's victims claims to have been raped by tRump.

Nebris said...

Would the republicans really try to defend him if he showed up in Epstein's pedo photo collection in a compromising position. They would claim the photo is faked and any testimony are lies.