July 22, 2019

Trump. names Scott Walker to Wilson Center board of trustees

NBC15 - President Donald Trump announced he was appointing [Scott] Walker to the board of trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in t. It's a six-year appointment.

The Wilson Center describes itself as "the nation's key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue."

WikipediaWalker has stated that he is "100% pro-life" and that he believes life should be protected from conception to natural death He opposes abortion, including in cases of rape and incest

As an opponent of same-sex marriage, he opposed a law that allowed gay couples to register with counties to get certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights. He later stated that his position on same-sex marriage was no longer relevant because Wisconsin's ban on same-sex marriage had been overturned by a federal court.[66] Walker said he would sign an Arizona-style immigration bill, which would allow local police to stop suspected illegal immigrants.

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