July 17, 2019

Tip: DC residents aren't your problem

Sam Smith - A dismal near two thirds of American prefer that our capital city remains a colony rather than being granted equal democratic status through statehood. I suspect a major factor in this is the myth that DC residents run the federal government. In fact, only about one third of DC residents work for the federal government, the overwhelming majority in lesser jobs. And 79% of all federal jobs are outside the DC area. California has twice as many federal employees as DC


Anonymous said...

Probably fewer would object to DC being split up among contiguous states, with the federal buildings having the same non-tangere status that federal buildings do in other states.

Or create a virtual county in each contiguous state and give DC's residents the franchise in that county of state they live closest to without changing the nature of the district.

The idea of a city becoming a state seems to conflict with most people's concept of "state", and certainly with the original meaning of the word after confederation, when they were countries in modern terms.

(Forcing people to go through an interminable captcha each time will certainly cut down on the number of comments you get, Sam. I already visit less often than I do at other sites because I don't like broadcast media much, and the new speed bump will probably eliminate most of what few comments I still make here. Just a single data point fyi)

The city-states--Vatican, Liechtenstein, etc.--that exist probably feel like theme parks to most people. San Marino has the best pedigree, given its antiquity and physical position, but the rest are more like toys that serve the rich.

Anonymous said...

DC was split up before. Much of Alexandria and Alexandria county (now Arlington) was DC.

Better to put the rest back in Maryland. DC would be the biggest city in Maryland. That recission has a chance of happening. It makes sense, and
IMO it is the reason JH hatched the Statehood Party in the first place,
that is, to deliver a compromise by initially taking an extreme position.