July 29, 2019

Meanwhile. . .

Governing -  South Dakota's abortion numbers have decreased by 55% over the past decade to reach a historic low last year, but that doesn't account for the hundreds of South Dakotans finding providers out of state. Whilenearly 300 South Dakota women received abortions in the state last year, at least another almost 200 South Dakotans had abortions in Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska and Montana — Iowa and Wyoming don't have tallies for abortions performed on out-of-state residents, according to data from state health departments.

The state of Georgia has launched a three-year pilot project in 20 schools to teach elementary students about agriculture. While some secondary schools do offer agriculture classes, particularly in rural communities, this education rarely begins in elementary school. And yet, young kids stand to benefit greatly by understanding the system that provides their food, clothing, and countless other products.

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