June 14, 2019

Presidential race update

Warren proposes $7 billion plan to support minority-owned businesses

FEC chair makes it '100 percent clear' candidates can't accept election help from a foreign power


Anonymous said...

The FEC chair's statement was "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election," (emphasis mine). I think the term "of value" is vague enough to allow a candidate to try to exploit it. Money or gifts? Off the table, but information offered for free - maybe a grey enough area. Also as the Reddit discussion pointed out, the FEC has limited enforcement powers. Prosecutions would have to come from the DOJ, and recent events show what can happen there.

Anonymous said...

So...what about the Russian dossier that Hillary paid for that became the basis for the illegal investigation of Trump???