May 19, 2019

What happens when you ban abortions

Foreign Policy - Another consequence of Romania’s abortion ban was that hundreds of thousands of children were turned over to state orphanages. When communism collapsed in Romania in 1989, an estimated 170,000 children were found warehoused in filthy orphanages. Having previously been hidden from the world, images emerged of stick-thin children, many of whom had been beaten and abused. Some were left shackled to metal bed frames.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forgive me but I don't understand the details.

Years ago, rich people could always (well, maybe not 'always') pay for an abortion, and merely have it recorded as a D&C.

Poor people went into a neighbor's garage with a coat hanger. Sometimes with unfortunate results; and that may have been the stimulus for the legalization of abortion as stipulated in Rowe v Wade.

These new rules. Do they apply only to what a State's Medicaid plan will pay for, and are we merely going 'back-in-time'.

Or do we really have the beginnings of religiously inspired authoritarian regime.