March 13, 2019

Word: The danger of impeachment

Carl Albert comes out against impeaching Nixon: “He’s just not worth it.’ The statement is likely to roil fellow Democrats... 

Oh, right, that didn’t happen and: Nixon quit under threat of impeachment. 

 Ds won the House and Senate w/ huge majorities. 

Then Ds won the presidency.

1 comment:

Laser said...

What did Huey Long say?... sets of waiters bringing "diners" the same Wall Street swill...

Its a two-headed fool and both Demopublicans have had their chance...

New Election Season (and when is it not?) Rules:

1. Contribute max of $5 to any candidate, even good ones (just to get them on the debate stage).

2. Never vote for any Democratic or Republican candidate. Again, they've had their chance and made an incredible hash of it.

I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can, even if there's no Aslan to lead me... -- Puddleglum, The Silver Chair

Research & Vote Well, Oh Wolves... - Akela, The Jungle Books

Cheers, Tom